Increasing tourism in the Muslim world: data on our destinations

The Middle East and North Africa are in fashion, at least as far as tourism is concerned. That is the conclusion that can be drawn after analyzing data on arrivals and visitors in the main tourist destinations during the first half of 2024. In this article we focus on four of the countries in which Mandala Tours Group agencies operate, with some of the most eloquent statistics.

Turkey: a 15% increase

Turkey is one of the countries in the Muslim world where tourism has increased the most in recent years. And there are many factors that explain this, not only the generalization of travel as a basic component in people’s lives. It is a country favored by a privileged geographical location, between Asia and Europe, with newly built or extensively modernized infrastructures, a stable political and social situation… and, of course, first-rate scenic, monumental and cultural attractions. Thus, according to data from the Turkish Statistical Institute (TÜİK), tourist arrivals to the country g rew by 15% in the second quarter of 2024 compared to the same period of the previous year.

Morocco: growing by 12.8%.

Morocco, one of Africa’s tourism powerhouses, is experiencing similar growth. The local government is betting heavily on this sector, promoting the opening of new air routes with other countries, as well as the expansion of seaports to accommodate cruise ships, ferries and other vessels. The data provided by Bloom Consulting in its 2024-2025 Country Brand Ranking/Tourism Edition, the arrival of travelers increased by 12.8% in the first quarter of 2024, compared to the first three months of 2023.

Egypt: a leader that is also growing (and a lot)

The leader in tourism in Africa, Egypt, could not be less and is also experiencing significant growth in tourist arrivals. According to data provided by the Deputy Minister of Tourism, Ghada Shalaby, and reported by the Emirates News Agency (WAM), the increase is estimated at 27% during the first quarter of 2024, compared to the same period in 2023. The extraordinary figure is mainly due to the increase in tourist arrivals from the Arab world, although the appeal of the land of the pharaohs attracts travelers of all nationalities.

And Jordan? It resists, despite everything

Finally, another sign of the good health of tourism in the Muslim world is the figure for visitors to Jordan. This is undoubtedly the country that is most affected by its proximity to Israel, so the instability in the neighboring country meant that the data were not as positive as might be expected: according to data collected by Jordan News Agency, 3.4% fewer travelers arrived in the country in 2023, compared to the whole of the previous year. In any case, despite the decline, this figure can be considered a sign of resilience and strength of the Jordanian tourism sector, which is fundamental to the country’s economy.

In short: tourism in the Muslim world has only just begun and in recent years has managed to overcome regional and global turbulence, especially the Covid-19 pandemic standstill , the earthquake in the Moroccan Atlas in 2023 or the instability due to the situation in Ukraine, Israel and Palestine.

And agencies such as Mandala Tours Group have also contributed to this, capable of organizing tailor-made packages, with on-site staff that provide professionalism and confidence to travelers from all over the world. So if you also want to join a quality tourist experience in the Muslim world, just contact us.

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